The early history of hypnosis
actually begins before any recorded
history exists. In the religious and
healing ceremonies of all primitive
peoples on the face of the earth
there exist the elements essential
to place the subjects into a
hypnotic trance. It is assumed,
therefore, by the study of
ceremonies of primitive peoples who
still exist in Africa, Australia,
and elsewhere that even before
history was recorded, induction's
were accomplished by rhythmic
chanting, monotonous drum beats,
together with strained fixations of
the eyes accompanied by catalepsy of
the rest of the body.
Such primitive ceremonies had the
essential of a central focus of
attention, with surrounding
neurology areas of inhibition, which
two factors are responsible for 95%
of the induction of the hypnotic
trance. Whether these were called
religious ceremonies, healing
ceremonies or a combination of
religious and healing ceremonies
is actually immaterial. The fact is
that trances did exist and were
hypnotic in character, although the
word "hypnosis" was never applied to
them since it was not in use until
Braid coined the term in 1842.
All world travelers are familiar
with the Hindus, Fakirs,
snake charmers, and Eastern
magicians who induced themselves and
others in cataleptic states by eye
fixation and other mesmeric
techniques, and were able to perform
unusual physical feats and eliminate
An interesting incident was reported
by James Esdalie, MD, author of
Hypnosis in Medicine and Surgery, in
which he describes a method for
production of anesthesia by a famous
Eastern magician of the era: "June
9th, 1845 - I had today the honor of
being introduced to one of the most
famous magicians in Bengal, who
enjoys a high reputation for his
successful treatment of hysteria,
and had been sent for to prescribe
for my patient (whose case will be
afterwards given), but came too
late; the success of my charm,
Mesmerism, having left him nothing
to do. Baboo Essanchunder Ghosaul,
deputy magistrate of Hooghly, at my
request introduced me to him as a
brother magician, who had studied
the art of magic in different parts
of the world, but particularly in
Egypt, where I had learned the
secrets of the great Soolevmann,
from the moolahs and fuqueers, and
that I had a great desire to
ascertain whether our charms were
the same, as the hakeems of Europe
held the wise men of the East in
high estimation, knowing that all
knowledge had come from that
quarter. I proposed that we should
show each other our respective
charms, and after much persuasion,
he agreed to show me his process for
assuaging pain. He sent for a brass
pot containing water and a twig with
two or three leaves upon it, and
commenced muttering his charms, at
arm's length from the patient. In a
short time he dipped his forefinger
into the water, and with the help of
his thumb, flirted it into the
patient's face; he then took the
leaves, and commenced stroking the
person from the crown of the head to
the toes, with a slow drawing
motion. The knuckles almost touched
the body, and he said that he would
continue the process for an hour or
longer if necessary; and it
convinced me that if these charmers
ever do well by such means, it is by
the mesmeric influence, probably
unknown to themselves. I said that I
was convinced of the great efficacy
of his charm, and would now show him
mine; but that he would understand
it better if performed on his own
person. After some difficulty, we
got him to lie down, and to give due
solemnity to my proceedings. I
chanted, as an invocation, the
chorus of the "Kings of the Cannibal
Islands!" I desired him to shut his
eyes, and he clenched his eyelids
firmly, that I might find no
entrance to the brain by that inlet.
In a quarter of an hour he jumped
up, and said he felt something
disagreeable coming over him, and
wished to make his escape. He was
over-persuaded to lie down again,
however, and I soon saw the muscles
around his eyes begin to relax, and
his face became perfectly smooth and
calm. I was sure that I had caught
my brother magician napping, but, in
a few minutes, he bolted up
suddenly, clapped his hands to his
head, cried he felt drunk, and
nothing could induce him to lie down
again; "abiit, excessit, evasit,
erupit!" Next day I saw him, and
said, "Well, you were too strong for
my charm last night, I could not put
you to sleep." "Oh! Yes Sahib," he
answered, "You did; I allow it; it
is allowed that you put me to
As Moll has pointed out, these
hypnotic phenomena are also found to
have existed several thousand years
ago among the Persian Magi
as well as up to the present day
among Indian Yogis and Fakirs.
The oldest written record of cures
by hypnosis was obtained from
the Ebers Papyrus
gives us an idea about some of the
theory and practice of Egyptian
medicine before 1552 BC. In the
Ebers Papyrus, a treatment was
described in which the physician
placed his hands on the head of the
patient and, claiming superhuman
therapeutic powers gave forth with
strange remedial utterances which
were suggested to the patients, and
which resulted in cures. King
Pyrrhus of Egypt,
The Emperor Vespasian, Francis I of
France and other French kings up to
Charles X practiced healing in this
The Egyptians
are thought to have originated the
"Sleep Temples",
in which the priests gave similar
treatment to their patients through
the use of suggestion. These temples
became very popular in Egypt, and
spread throughout Greece and
Asia Minor.
Hippocrates, the Greek physician
referred to most frequently as "the
father of medicine" and whose oath
all graduating physicians take, is
known to have discussed the
phenomenon saying, "the affliction
suffered by the body, the soul sees
quite well with the eyes shut."
The Romans
borrowed trance healing from the
Greeks, as they did much else of the
Greek culture during the period of
the rise of the great Roman Empire.
Many men of great learning and
wisdom were imported from Greece as
Roman slaves to teach the young in
Roman households. Among the Romans,
often threw his patients 'into a
"deep sleep" and allayed pain by
stroking, with his hand.
The advent of Christianity had a
great deal to do with the decline of
the use of hypnosis and trance
healing because hypnosis was then
considered to be witchcraft, and
trance healing if practiced at all
was done secretly. Nevertheless, in
spite of this Jesus employed
hypnosis to perform many of His
In the tenth century,
a great physician, stated, "The
Imagination can fascinate and modify
man's body either making him ill or
restoring him to health."
About the middle of the sixteenth
century, a man named
Theophrastus Paracelsus
brought forth a new theory regarding
the production of diseases. This
theory stated in effect that certain
heavenly bodies, especially the
stars, influenced the behavior of
men. He also postulated that men
influenced each other, which is
still a basic concept in the study
of "behavior psychology."
Van Helmont,
Maxwell from Scotland, and
from Italy, said virtually the same
thing about 1600, and laid the
foundation for the concept of animal
magnetism, which was later to have
been made so famous by Mesmer. It
can be proved that almost every
ancient civilization has been
familiar with hypnosis in one form
or another. LeCron points out that
it is described in some of the
Mantras of India written in ancient
transcript; that the Mongols,
Tibetans, and the Chinese all had
knowledge of hypnosis; and that even
a detailed description of it is
given in the Kalevala, the great
epic poem of the Finns.
It is ironic that the modern history
of hypnosis begins not with a
physician but with a clergyman, a
catholic priest who lived at
Klosters. Father Gassner theorized,
according to the beliefs of that
day, patients who were ill were
possessed by devils, which must be
cast out, before the patient could
again attain the state of good
health. The good priest obtained
church approval for his actions by
stating that God was working through
him to cast out devils that
possessed his unfortunate patients.
Unlike some other men of his time,
Father Gassner was not secretive
with his methods, and frequently
allowed physicians to observe him
administer treatment. The physicians
who were to observe were ushered
into a room and seated much as in a
theater and then the patient would
be marched onto a stage in the
center of the room to await the
appearance of Father Gassner. Timing
his entrance to make the most of the
spectacle, Father Gassner would
stride out onto the platform in a
long solid black flowing cape,
holding a "gold" crucifix high in
the air before him. The patient had
been told in advance that when
Father Gassner touched him with the
crucifix, he would promptly fall to
the floor and remain there for
further instructions. Gassner's
patients were told to actually "die"
while lying prostrate on the floor,
and that during this period of
"death", he would cast out the
devils from their body and then
restore them to normal life again.
(This idea of rebirth permeates both
hypnosis and religion even as far
back as the earliest primitive
forms). Again this has been
discussed further in my book
entitled, Religious Aspects of
After the observer physician
examined the patient, felt no pulse,
heard no heart sounds, and
pronounced him dead, then Father
Gassner would order the demon to
depart, and shortly thereafter the
patient would revive and arise
completely cured. Mesmer was said to
have watched a number of
performances by Father Gassner in
the early 1770's and is responsible
for introducing the phenomena to the
medical profession.
Anton Mesmer
Franz Anton Mesmer was born the son
of a game warden on May 23, 1734, at
Iznang on Lake Constance. He studied
at Dillingen and Ingolstadt and
received his Ph.D. following which
he studied law. He received his
Doctor of Medicine degree in 1766
after presenting a paper entitled,
De Planetarum Influx (On the
influence of the Planets). Two years
following his graduation, Mesmer
married the wealthy widow of an army
Lieutenant Colonel, Marie Anna Von
Posch, on January 10, 1768. Mesmer,
unable to swallow Father Gassner's
hypothesis that patients were
possessed by demons, believed that
in some way the metal crucifix held
by the Father was perhaps
responsible for magnetizing the
patient and hence developed his
ideas and explanation of the results
into a theory of animal magnetism,
which he first tested in 1773 by
treating a 28 year old female,
Franziska Osterlin, who eventually
married Fredrich Von Posch, Mesmer's
stepson. Mesmer published his first
account of the magnetic cure in
1775, under the title of, Schreiben
Uber die Magnetiker. Although his
fame continued to spread, he was
forced to leave Vienna following the
famous Paradis case, in which Dr.
Von Stoerck and Dr. Barth opposed
him. In 1777 Maria Theresa Paradis,
a blind child pianist, and favorite
of the Empress, recovered her sight
after treatment by Mesmer despite
the fact that she had been under the
care of Europe's leading eye
specialist, Dr. Von Stoerck for ten
years without improvement.
Influenced by jealous doctors, the
child's mother took her away from
Mesmer's care before the cure was
complete. In an emotional scene, the
mother struck the child across the
face because she did not wish to
leave Dr. Mesmer's clinic and the
hysterical blindness reasserted
Nevertheless, Mesmer's influence was
still great enough to secure a
recommendation from the Austrian
Foreign Minister to the Imperial
Embassy in Paris, to which he moved
early in February 1778. He founded a
clinic with D'Eslon on the Place
Vendome, and published his famous
book, Memoirre Sur La Decouverte Du
Magnetisme Animal in 1779.
In 1784 the French Government
investigated Mesmer, and pronounced
him a fraud. However, Benjamin
Franklin, who was a member of the
investigating committee, wrote the
minority report, which stated the
phenomenon was worthy of further
consideration. Other members of the
commission were Jussieu, famous for
his connection with the Twilleries;
Guillotin, the inventor of the
Guillotine which bears his name; and
Lavoisier, the well-known French
chemist whose name is still familiar
to Americans as the brand name of a
mouth wash! Esdaile's fascinating
description of the investigation
states he believed the verdict was
fair enough considering the nature
of the evidence placed before them.
He goes on to say: ...but yet, (such
is human fallibility), in this case
summum jus was also summa injuria;
truth was sacrificed to falsehood,
as I think will clearly appear from
a short analysis of their
proceedings. This will probably not
be time wasted, as I have heard
intelligent gentlemen say that the
report of the French philosophers
still decided their opinions. They
had a series of axioms in Mesmerism
presented to them, whose truth they
were to examine and the efficacy of
certain processes was to be proved
to their satisfaction by experiment.
The Mesmerist's object seems to have
been to try to convince the
commission that he had a secret
worth knowing, and yet to continue
to keep it to himself by hiding its
extreme simplicity under a load of
complicated machinery and various
kinds of mummery. D'Eslon, the pupil
of Mesmer, propounded his laws of
animal magnetism after this fashion:
I. Animal magnetism is a universal
fluid, constituting an absolute
polonium in nature, and the medium
of all mutual influence between the
celestial bodies, and betwixt the
earth and animal bodies. This only a
gigantic assertion.
II. It is the subtlest fluid in
nature, capable of flux and of
reflux, and of receiving,
propagating, and continuing all
kinds of motion.
III. The animal body is subjected to
the influences of this fluid by
means of the nerves, which are
immediately affected by it. We see
no other way at present.
IV. The human body has poles, and
other properties, analogous to the
magnet. The first proposition has
never been proved, and takes
everything for granted; there is
only likelihood in the second.
V. The action and virtue of animal
magnetism may be communicated from
one body to another, whether animate
or inanimate. True, as regards to
the relations between animate
bodies; and these can also
impregnate inanimate substances.
VI. It operates at a great distance,
without the intervention of anybody.
VII. It is increased and reflected
by mirrors, communicated, propagated
and increased by sound, and may be
accumulated, concentrated, and
VIII. Notwithstanding the
universality of this fluid, all
animal bodies are not affected by
it; on the other hand there are some
though but few in number, the
presence of which, destroys all the
effects of animal magnetism. The
first part correct, the last not
IX. By means of this fluid, nervous
diseases are cured immediately, and
others medially; and its virtues, in
fact, extend to the universal cure
and preservation of mankind True, to
so great a degree, that we do not
yet know how far it may go.
Is it surprising that the commission
dismissed contemptuously such a mass
of sheer assertion and unsupported
theory, seasoned with truth to be
sure, but so diluted and obscured as
not to be recognizable? Like a
Bengal witness, D'Eslon was not
content to tell the truth simply,
but added so many corroborating
inventions of his own that no one
knew what to believe, and the case
was dismissed as unworthy of further
investigation. He ruined himself,
and his cause, also, (perhaps in
ignorance, however,) by loading the
truth with a parcel of trumpery
machinery through which he hoped the
power of nature would nevertheless
penetrate; but Nature, like an
overloaded camel, turned upon her
driver and threw him and his
paraphernalia of magnetic platforms,
conducting-rods and ropes, pianos,
magnetized trees and buckets, into
the dirt; and truth retired in
disgust to the bottom of her well,
there to dwell till more honest men
should draw her forth again to
surprise and benefit the world.
As far as my observation goes, all
that is necessary for success, if
the parties are in the relation of
agent and subject, is passive
obedience in the patient and a
sustained attention and patience on
the part of the operator. The
process being a natural one, the
more the parties are in a state of
nature the better: the bodies of my
patients being naked, and their
heads generally shaved, is probably
of no small consequence in the
There are a number of very important
assertions in this excerpt from
Esdaile's book. First, he certainly
points out clearly the reason why
the commission turned down the
phenomenon as unworthy of further
investigation. Second, he also
illustrates the point doubly by even
adding a number of misconceptions of
his own, misconceptions which were
nevertheless accepted as true in his
day regarding medical practice.
Thirdly, he sums up a really
ingenious and brilliant theory in
one sentence: As far as my
observation goes, all that is
necessary for success, if the
parties are in relation of agent and
subject, is PASSIVE OBEDIENCE in the
patient, and a sustained patience on
the part of the operator. Fourthly,
he makes a statement which might
serve further experimentation: The
process being a natural one, the
more the parties are in a state of
nature the better. This might be
better accomplished by means other
than mere nudity although perhaps
the possibility that by being nude
the subject psychologically is
"defenseless," or more "submissive"
should not be overlooked. My
favorite induction method is to take
the patient with all his or her
senses on a journey into a primitive
wooded area, peaceful and quiet,
serene and still where concentration
and relaxation are greatest. Both
the spirits of passive obedience as
well as the journey into the
wilderness of nature to seek
communion with God are a part of
every major religion in the world.
So much for the report of the
commission which had as its ultimate
effect the denunciation of Mesmer,
his methods and theories, although
his theories were actually far more
on trial than his methods.
After being denounced in Paris,
Mesmer's popularity quickly faded,
and he traveled to England, Italy
and Germany, returning for a brief
visit to Paris before the outbreak
of the revolution. He then settled
in Frauenfeld in Switzerland, until
the summer of 1814 whence he moved
to Morsburg, where he died on March
5, 1815.
It is not generally known but
nevertheless true that Mesmer and
his son published works on animal
magnetism, and even today copies of
these completed works can be
As Mesmer's patients were placed in
a tub filled with water and iron
filings protruding from which were
larger iron rods, Mesmer would
suggest to them that as he touched
them with his magnetic rod, they
would become magnetized and
eventually would go into a state of
"crisis" from which they would
emerge cured. His patients
invariably did this and Mesmer
considered the crisis an absolute
necessity for the cure. Mesmer made
a very imposing picture in his long
flowing robes, holding his magnetic
rod and passing from room to room in
his clinic. His methods of
magnetism, therefore, were
unquestioned and his follower and
pupil of good faith, the Marquis de
Puysegur placed patients in a trance
which he called artificial
somnambulism, in which the patients
did not enter the crisis or fit, but
rather into a state of quiet
relaxation. (The Marquis had
forgotten to suggest to them in
advance that they would experience a
Marquis de Puysegur
The Marquis de Puysegur was
responsible for describing the three
cardinal features of Hypnosis; 1)
concentration of the senses on the
operator, 2) acceptance of
suggestion without question, and 3)
amnesia for events in a trance. In
1814 the Abbe Faria suggested that
the phenomena described by Mesmer
were not due to animal magnetism,
but actually due to suggestion.
However the popularity of Mesmer was
so well established that Faria's
hypothesis was soon forgotten. Dr.
Wolfart journeyed from Berlin to
Frauenfeld in 1812 at the request of
the Prussian government, to
investigate Mesmer, and to learn all
he could about animal magnetism, and
bring it back to the University of
Berlin. At the same time Koreff was
already in Paris on a similar
mission. Mesmerism spread rapidly
throughout Europe, including
Switzerland, Italy and even as far
north as the Scandinavian countries.
This produced many experts including
Eschenmayer, Kerner, Lallemant,
Schelling, Passavant. Kluge, Pace,
Ostermeyer, Pfaff, Pezold, Selle,
Bartels and many others.
On November 13, 1841 a French
magnetizer named La Fontaine, who
demonstrated Mesmerism, first
introduced James Braid to Mesmerism
[theory based on animal magnetism]
and Mesmeric experiments at a
meeting on that day. A complete
description of this seance is found
along with a detailed history of
Braid's activity in writing in
Bramwell's book, Hypnotism, Its
History, Practice and Theory. James
Braid was most well known for the
fact that he renamed Mesmerism,
"Hypnotism" in 1842, after the Greek
word "Hypnos" meaning, "sleep" and
offered to read a paper on it at a
meeting of the British Medical
Association in Manchester, but was
rejected. Nevertheless, unlike
Mesmer he maintained a good
professional standing in his
community during his entire
lifetime, and was not only noted as
an excellent hypnotist, but also was
widely acclaimed for his operating
cases of clubbed foot and other
deformities. Later in life, Braid
realized hypnotism was not a true
sleep, but a concentration of the
mind, and tried to change the name
to monoideism. But by that time,
"Hypnosis" and "Hypnotism" were
words already well rooted in every
language of Europe, and he finally
abandoned this effort to change the
name. He was born at Rylaw House in
Fifeshire in 1795, studied at
Edinburgh and qualified there as a
surgeon. After practicing in
Scotland for a short time he moved
to Manchester, where he lived until
he died suddenly on March 25, 1860
of a heart attack. He maintained his
practice and interest in hypnotism
during his entire lifetime, and
wrote many papers and monographs on
the subject. Although Braid is best
known for his renaming Mesmer's art
hypnotism, he also was responsible
for a number of ideas that still
persist until the present day. They
are as follows:
1: That hypnosis is a powerful tool
which should be limited entirely to
medical and dental professions.
2: That although hypnotism was
capable of curing many diseases for
which there had formally been no
remedy, it nevertheless was no
panacea and was only a medical tool
which should be used in combination
with other medical information,
drugs, remedies, etc. in order to
properly treat the patient.
3: That in skilled hands there is no
great danger associated with
hypnotic treatment and neither was
there pain or discomfort.
4: That a good deal more study and
research would be necessary to
thoroughly understand a number of
theoretical concepts regarding
These points of philosophy were
extremely sound, especially for a
physician in the middle 1800's who
had limited knowledge available to
him at that particular period. The
fact that these concepts remain
virtually unchanged today speaks
highly for the brilliance of this
great physician and hypnotist from
Like Braid, Elliotson received his
M.D. from Edinburgh, but went on to
study on the continent as well as in
Cambridge and at Sir Guy's Hospital
where I had the pleasure of speaking
in 1958. He was born in 1791 and
died on July 29, 1868 after a long
illness, at the house of his friend,
Dr. Symes, a formal pupil. Like
Braid, Elliotson was a brilliant
physician, lecturer, and Professor
of Medicine. Elliotson's fame
however, even exceeded that of his
predecessor, Dr. Braid, for
Elliotson ascended to the academic
heights of a full Professorship of
Medicine at the London University.
He was also named President of the
Royal Medical and Surgical Society
and was one of the founders of the
University College Hospital in
He introduced the stethoscope into
England together with the methods of
examining the heart and lungs and
they are used to this day. A
complete history of his life also
appears in Bramwell's book.
Elliotson is best known for the fact
that in 1846, he established the
first journal dealing with
hypnotism. It was called Zoist, and
complete copies of the journal are
still obtainable from some sources.
He was discharged from the
University College Hospital for
choosing hypnosis as the subject for
the Harveian Oration of 1846. In
this Harveian Oration, Elliotson
quoted this memorable passage from
Harvey's works, "True Philosophers,
compelled by the love of truth and
wisdom, never fancy themselves so
wise and full of sense as not to
yield to truth from any source and
at all times; nor are they so narrow
minded as to believe any art or
science has been handed down in such
a state of perfection to us by our
predecessors that nothing remains
for future industry.
Elliotson then applied Harvey's
words to the science of Hypnotism
and stated in no uncertain terms
that it was the duty of physicians
of that age to carefully and
dispassionately review his research
on the subject. Many interesting
articles appeared in his journal,
Zoist that was published quarterly
from April 1843 until December 31,
1855. For thirteen years, article
after article, was published by
Elliotson, Esdalie, and many other
brilliant physicians of that time,
testifying to the excellent results
of hypnotic treatment in insanity,
epilepsy, hysteria, stammering,
neuralgia, asthma, torticollis,
headaches, functional difficulties
of the heart, rheumatism, tic-douloureux,
spasmodic colic, sciatica, lumbago,
palsy, convulsions, acute
inflammations of the eyes and
testicles, and reports of hundreds
of painless operations, everything
from removal of a cataract to the
amputation of the penis of which
James Esdalie reported two cases.
Parker (from whom the expression
"Painless Parker" originated)
reported over 200 painless
operations in Exeter, an institution
Elliotson helped him to form.
Elliotson was excellent in the field
of child hypnosis, and worked with
many children and childhood
diseases, such as St. Vitus Dance,
Chorea, tics, and other maladies.
Unlike Braid, however, Elliotson
continued to believe in clairvoyance
and other mystical phenomena until
his death.
Dr. James Esdaile probably performed
more surgical operations under
hypnoanesthesia than any physician
up until the present time. He was a
man of extreme ingenuity and
intelligence who practiced most of
his life in India, and is probably
better known for his work in
hypnosis than any other man with the
possible exception of Mesmer
himself. He was born February 6,
1808, the son a minister, and like
Elliotson and Braid studied at
Edinburgh where he graduated in
1830, obtaining a position with the
East India Company.
Esdaile did his first operation
under hypnosis on April 4, 1845, on
a Hindu convict with double
hydrocele, at the native hospital at
Hooghly. After accomplishing 75
operations under hypnoanesthesia he
wrote to the medical board; but his
letter was not even acknowledged.
Later, at the end of the year,
having over a hundred operations to
his credit, he then contacted Sir
Herbert Maddock, then the deputy
governor of Bengal, who appointed a
committee of investigation composed
primarily of physicians.
On receiving their favorable report,
the Governor then placed Esdaile in
charge of a small experimental
hospital near Calcutta, in order
that he might continue his research
into hypnosis for whatever values it
might have. Esdaile began his
research in November of 1846, with
the following physicians appointed
to help him: R. Thompson, M.D., D.
Stuart, M.D., J. Jackson, F.R.C.S.,
F Mouatt, M.D., R. O'Shaughnessy,
F.R.C.S.; and at the end of the
trial year of Esdaile's experimental
works, he had 133 more operations to
his credit, and a goodly number of
medical cases as well. The reports
by visitors to the institution
continued to be favorable, and
therefore, with the deputy
governor's continued support,
Esdaile was then appointed to
Sarkea's Lane Hospital and
Dispensary to continue his work and
expand it to other fields of
Esdaile's fame spread far and wide,
and he once stated truthfully that
he did more operations on scrotal
tumors in one month than took place
in all the hospitals in Calcutta in
a year. Some local physicians who
felt that his patients were
hysterical criticized him in the
medical journals. Esdaile's comment
on this was that his own report of
the cases was still worthy of
mention if only as an example of an
epidemic of insanity. His sense of
humor stayed with him until he left
India in 1851. When he left, he had
thousands of painless operations to
his credit, and over 300 major
operations all done under Mesmerism.
While he was in India, chloroform
was first introduced as an
anesthesia and later after he left
India, a prize of $10,000 was
offered in 1853 to the discoverer of
the anesthetic properties of ether,
which was described as the earliest
anesthetic. Esdaile sent an
indignant letter of protest about
this, drawing attention to the fact
that he had performed painless
surgery under Mesmerism for years
before anyone had ever heard of
ether. (For that matter, chloroform
preceded ether in any case.)
Disgusted with India and "caring not
a straw" about a big practice in
Calcutta, Esdaile returned to Perth,
the home of his father, where he
settled and remained until he
developed an illness of the lungs
(tuberculosis?), and moved from
Scotland to Sydenham, where he died
at the age of 50 on January 10,
1859. His works were many, but
perhaps his most famous work was a
book originally titled, Mesmerism in
India, and later released under the
title of Hypnosis in Medicine and
Surgery. In this particular book, he
not only reported 73 painless
operations, but also reported 18
medical cases of palsy, lumbago,
sciatica, convulsions, and tic-douloureux,
in addition to informing the public
on hypnosis. He lashed out at the
stupidity of some medical men who
were blind to any new ideas; quoting
in Latin, "Stare super vias Antiquas"
to describe such medical men. He
further went on to say that as a
lover of truth for its own sake, he
was very little gratified by being
told by his friends, "I believe
because you say so." He felt this
was a barren belief, and constantly
searched out physicians to prove his
newfound medical tool to them. Jacob
Conn, M.D. of the John Hopkins
Medical School faculty has stated
that no one has worked more
diligently to bring the value of
hypnotic analgesia and anesthesia to
the attention of the medical
profession than James Esdaile.
Esdaile's work evidently paid off,
as the British Medical Association
reported favorably in 1891 that "As
a therapeutic agent, hypnotism is
frequently effective in relieving
pain, procuring sleep and
alleviating many functional
Ambroise-Auguste Liebeault
Liebeault is widely known as "The
Father of Modern Hypnotism." The
reason for this is primarily because
Liebeault was the man who concluded
and published the observation that
all the phenomena of hypnotism are
subjective in origin. Liebeault was
a humble French physician, who
though generally speaking was
uninterested in research,
nevertheless was a genius at
therapeutics. He maintained an
overflowing country practice that
kept him busy night and day since
the time he received his M.D. in
1850. His practice in hypnotism was
almost entirely gratuitous, and
because of this, it gained him the
quiet respect of all that knew him.
He was born in 1823, began his study
of medicine in 1844, and started his
experiments in hypnotism in 1848,
even before he left medical school.
After having completed a number of
therapeutic sessions of hypnosis, he
authored a book, which was two years
in the writing. Skepticism, however,
was so great that he only sold one
copy, which went to Bernheim. In
1882 Liebeault cured an obstinate
case of sciatica, which Bernheim had
treated without results for over six
months. Partly because of his
curiosity, and partly because he
wished to expose Liebeault as a
quack, Bernheim bought the book and
then journeyed to see Liebeault
convinced that he was in fact a
charlatan. Bernheim was, however, so
impressed by Liebeault's work that
he decided to remain with him and
became a devoted pupil and lifelong
friend. Bernheim and Liebeault then
published another book together,
which was widely acclaimed. This was
especially true because of
Liebeault's vast number of
fascinating case histories.
Whereas Parker and his
contemporaries were interested
primarily in painless surgery,
Liebeault invaded all fields of
medicine and was in fact the most
important single physician in
broadening the scope of therapeutics
through the use of hypnosis. An
excellent description of Liebeault's
clinic appears in Bramwell's book.
Liebeault became quite adept at
rapid hypnosis and in fact was one
of the first doctors who realized
that for most hypnotherapy, a deep
trance was unnecessary, a fact
frequently pointed out by Dr. S. J.
Van Pelt. Quite the contrary,
Liebeault would induce his patients
with no more than a wave of the
hand, and a quick phrase, such as
"Sleep, my little kitten"; suggest
away the morbid symptoms and allow
the patients to wake up when they
desired. He saw hundreds of patients
rarely spending more than a quarter
of an hour with any of them.
Bramwell states that all of
Liebeault's patients were either
improved or cured following his
rapid suggestive treatments.
Liebeault assisted by Bernheim
established what has been known as
the "School of Nancy." This was a
period of development in hypnosis
during which a great deal of
experimental work was done with many
types of induction.
At the same time that Liebeault was
merely using the word "sleep" with a
hand pass, Charcot on the other hand
was violently ringing gongs and
flashing drummond lights. The
Germans, Weinhold and Heidenhain,
preferred the ticking of a watch,
and Berger was using warm plates of
metal. The idea of magnetism and
magnetic processes had not yet
completely worn off yet. Despite
Liebeault's explanation of the
phenomena as subjective, Piteres
maintained that certain portions of
the body were particularly sensitive
to stimulation of the skin, and
these so- called hypnotic zones
which were described by him existed
sometimes on one side of the body
and other times on both.
Moll has stated that he himself had
seen many persons who were
hypnotized only when their foreheads
were touched. Purkinje and Spitt
stated that touches on the forehead
induced a sleepy state in many
persons. Cradle rocking used to
induce children was well known, and
Eisenhart has mentioned stroking of
the forehead as an excellent
induction technique for children.
Hirt often used electricity to
induce hypnosis, and Sperling, a
contemporary of Bramwell's and
Moll's, described the hypnotic
trances of Dervishes which he had
seen in Constantinople (now
Istanbul). Drzewiecki felt there was
a difference in susceptibility to
hypnosis because of nationality, and
stated that Russians were more
easily hypnotized than other people.
It was felt later however, that
neither nationality nor sex entered
into the ability of a person to be
hypnotized. It was only after
Liebeault achieved a ripe old age
and retired from medical practice
that he reaped a measure of the
acclaim which was certainly due him.
He neither sought nor made a
fortune. He remained to his death,
happy and secure in the knowledge of
a life well spent in treating the
Dr. Bernheim of the Nancy School is
perhaps the best known for
publicizing the use of hypnosis.
Although Liebeault was responsible
for broadening therapeutics, his
book was never widely read. However,
when Bernheim published his book on
hypnosis (with Liebeault's case
histories), it was immediately
accepted everywhere. As a matter of
fact, in spite of Charcot's
tremendous reputation and early
start with the Salpetriere School,
nevertheless, more and more persons
swung to the Nancy way of thinking.
Medical dispute continued throughout
the entire 19th century on into the
early 20th century, each side
claiming victories in the
explanation of hypnosis. Bernheim
would merely ask the patient to look
at him, think of nothing but sleep,
and then would tell the patient,
"Your eyelids begin to feel heavy,
your eyes are tired and they begin
to blink, they are getting moist,
your eyes cannot see distinctly, and
they are closed." If the patient did
not close his eyes and fall asleep
almost immediately as many did, then
he would repeat the process until
success was assured. If the patients
never showed any signs of sleep or
drowsiness, he would then assure
them that sleep was not essential
and that hypnotic influence could be
exerted without it. Bernheim
inspired hundreds of famous
physician hypnotists such as Von
Schrenk, Noltzing, Babinski, and a
great many others. Charles Richet
was credited with introducing the
induction method of squeezing of the
thumbs and the hands together.
Martin Charcot
Jean Martin Charcot the famous
French neurologist was born in 1825
and died in 1893. He was so well
known in the Medical profession for
so many varied accomplishments, and
his biography is so easily
obtainable, that no detailed study
will be given of him here. He is
probably the most famous physician
to embrace hypnotism at that time
and, in addition to his work with
Hypnotism was known for Charcot's
bath, disease, joint, syndrome,
etc., as well as the
Charcot-Marie-Tooth type, and his
work with progressive neuropathic
muscular atrophy well known to all
medical students.
The Charcot-Weiss-Barber Syndrome
(syndrome of the carotid sinus) and
the Charcot-Vigouroux sign are also
both well known. Charcot had a
number of crystals named for him
including the Charcot-Leyden
crystals, the Charcot-Neuman
crystals and the Charcot-Robin
crystals. Despite his great fame in
the medical field, he plunged into
hypnotism without the usual careful
research that had attended his other
works. Consequently, his reputation
weakened when his theories that
hypnosis was a pathological state
that weakened the mind were later
disapproved by the Nancy School of
Medicine. As a matter of fact, when
Charcot died, Babinski denounced
many of Charcot's cures, stating
that some were actually faked and
some were figments of Charcot's
imagination. This bitter attack on
Charcot from Babinski, more than any
other thing, was responsible for the
decline of the use of hypnosis in
France. This decline continued until
modern times with only a few experts
such as Pierre Janet and Dr. Joseph
Morlaas using hypnosis until it was
officially introduced to the French
medical schools in the fall of 1958.
Until Breuer's time, hypnosis had
primarily been used for the
alleviation of pain in surgery, and
according to Liebeault's method, the
simple suggesting away of symptoms.
However, circa 1880, Breuer made an
accidental discovery that changed
the methods of hypnotherapy. As a
matter of fact, it not only changed
the methods of hypnotherapy, but
actually introduced an entirely new
art in itself as it was Breuer's
work which attracted Freud and led
him into methods of psychoanalysis
which are so common to psychiatrists
In any case, Breuer had been
treating a patient whom he called
Anna O. The case is a long and
involved one, and is well known to
all students of psychiatry. During
one portion of therapy, they found
however, much to her distress, (and
Anna O. was a hysterical patient
with many, many different problems)
that she could drink no water. In
fact, no matter how intense her
thirst became, she felt it was a
physical impossibility for her to
swallow water. Thereupon, she
subsisted for a number of months on
watery fruits and melons until,
during a hypnotic session, she
revealed in a fit of anger, how to
her great disgust, a former
governess had permitted a dog to
drink water out of a glass in her
presence. As soon as she awoke from
the trance she immediately asked
Breuer for a drink of water,
emptying the glass with ease. This
led Breuer to the realization that
the simple recalling of the
traumatic experiences from the past
of the dog drinking the glass of
water was responsible for removing
the symptoms. After coming to this
conclusion, Breuer then attempted to
associate all of the patient's
symptoms with traumatic experiences
in the past. After working with Anna
O. for over a year, Breuer was able
to remove her symptoms of blindness,
paralysis, deafness, the contracture
of her right arm, her anesthesia's,
cough, trembling, and all of her
other symptoms, merely by repeated
trances which revealed more and more
of her previous experiences, which
contained damaging traumatic
As Wolberg states in his book,
Medical Hypnosis, "The importance of
Breuer's work lies in the change of
emphasis in hypnotic therapy, from
the direct removal of symptoms to
the dealing with the apparent cause
of these symptoms." Although Janet
simultaneously arrived at this
conclusion, Breuer has been given
credit for the discovery.
Eugene Azam
Azam, a professor on the faculty of
Medicine at Bordeaux, and a
correspondent at the Academy of
Medicine in Paris, wrote a book on a
case of splitting consciousness in
1887. He described in detail the
case of a young girl, named Felita
X., who first came to him during the
month of June 1858. He perceived
many hypnotic phenomena in this
patient, and made some psychological
deductions that bore out a good deal
of Braid's conclusions. Professor
Jean Martin Charcot wrote the
preface of the book, (supra) who
highly praised Dr. Azam's work.
Translated from the French it said
in effect:
Today, now that Hypnotism has
arrived and is now the regular
application of this method of
describing illness, which has
finally taken place among the facts
of positive science, it would be
unjust to forget the names of those
who had the courage to study this
question a moment when it was under
universal disapproval. Dr. Azam has
been one of the initiators; the
first in France, he has searched to
control by his personal experience
the results announced by Braid. The
good fortune of an unforeseen
discovery, it is true, was favorable
to him by placing in his hand the
subject's experience, which had
spontaneously presented several
phenomena which were described by
Braid. But, how many physicians who
were placed in Dr. Azam's position
would have passed by these
interesting facts without stopping
either by fear to be mistaken by a
jugular hysteria, or by fear that
they would compromise their
reputations by undertaking studies
which have been discredited, or
simply by following the scientific
laziness which deprives us of the
benefit of new things in modern
development. The results of Dr. Azam
are not solely of historical
interest; this analysis rediscovered
the most important part of somatic
phenomena and psychiatric
anesthesia, hyper-anesthesia and
contracture and catalepsy which we
have learned since this year has
produced a great deal according to
the rigorous determination by
drawing our attention to a special
category of subjects. It is of
interest to remark as a matter of
fact, that by the choice of subjects
and by the nature of the phenomena
produced, the case histories of Dr.
Azam belong to hysterical hypnosis.
It is said that this form of
hypnosis first took place in science
and only today has arrived. It
manifests symptoms so characteristic
that the most skeptical person
cannot now doubt its existence.
Therefore, we must invite our
eminent colleagues to take part in
the success of the work to which he
has contributed after we have listed
the research of Dr. Azam with those
of the school of Salpetriere.
Azam went to great difficulty to
remove the aura of mystery from
hypnosis, and was praised by Charcot
because of this. Dr. Heinz
Hammerschlag states in his book,
Hypnose und Verbrechen that the Azam
studies in Bordeaux, while
important, were important primarily
because these studies attracted the
attention of Liebeault who first
succeeded in giving these
researchers a new slant. He
endeavored to attribute the
phenomena of hypnosis to the
psychiatric influence of suggestion
rather than to the influence of
magnetism, which had previously been
so popular in the days of Mesmer.
How Charcot could continue to
maintain the ridiculous assertion
that all hypnotic subjects were
"hysterical" straight to the face of
Braid's research and then through
the opposite side of his mouth
praise Dr. Azam for clarifying and
reiterating Braid's conclusions is
completely un-understandable.
Sigmund Freud
To even begin to try to summarize
the life and work of a genius is of
course impossible. Also, to pick out
specific incidents in his life and
in describing these, expect one to
understand the intricate working of
the mind of Freud would be as
ridiculous as describing George
Washington as "a boy who chopped
down a cherry tree." There have been
hundreds of volumes written on
Sigmund Freud, possibly the most
complete of which is The Life and
Work of Sigmund Freud by Ernest
Jones (1879 - 1958) in three
volumes. For a complete
understanding of Freud, this
three-volume work surpasses all
others, but such an undertaking
being beyond the scope of this work,
we must be satisfied with a short
summary of Freud's connection with
the development of hypnosis.
It was Breuer's work that attracted
Freud and caused him to publish his
famous book co-authored with Breuer,
Studien uber Hysterie, which was
published in 1895. Breuer and Freud
correctly concluded that hysterical
symptoms developed as a result of
repressing damaging experiences and
that if these damaging experiences
were once again released from the
subconscious mind by a mental
catharsis, the hysterical symptoms
would be eliminated. Breuer
accomplished this through the use of
hypnosis, but Freud, a poor
hypnotist, found that free
association coupled with
psychoanalysis were vehicles by
which he could better accomplish his
work. Parlour has pointed out that
although Freud spurned formal
"hypnosis" he nevertheless used many
hypnotic techniques constantly such
as "touching the patient's
forehead," "the concentration of the
patient's mind," "the relaxation of
the body on a couch," and "the
abundant use of the imagination."
This was largely overlooked during
Freud's lifetime and attention was
given to Freud's words that did not
always explain Freud's actions.
It was during this period that the
greatest misconception regarding
hypnosis first gained a foothold,
and which even now is still
regretfully difficult to dislodge in
the minds of a number of learned
medical men and hundreds of lay
persons. Because of Freud's
denunciation of hypnosis in favor of
psychoanalysis, people began to
associate hypnosis with "direct
suggestions" (only one aspect of
hypnotism). Hence, the general
public and lay people as well began
to think in terms of psychoanalysis
versus direct suggestion. What was
not sufficiently explained was that
the science and art of hypnotism
contains both analysis and
suggestion and when correctly
applied not only breaks the problem
into its component for analysis but
puts the individual back together
again with a Synthesis. Conventional
psychoanalysis, however, with its
lack of directive guidance,
eliminates the latter entirely and
renders the former slow, cumbersome
and often times ineffective.
Nevertheless, because of Freud's
great brilliance and popularity, the
words "free associations and
"psychoanalysis" became the
passwords of the day, and hypnosis
again took a nosedive into
A few experts such as Pierre Janet
of France, Bramwell and Moll of
Great Britain, Morton Prince and
McDougall of the United States, and
Pavlov in Russia continued to use
hypnotism. Most other neurologists
(most mental disease was approached
from the standpoint of "neurology"
in those days) immediately were
influenced by Freudian theory and
Freud, himself was a fascinating
man. He was born on the 6th of May
in 1856, in the Moravian town of
Freiberg, a tiny, ancient industrial
town that then belonged to the
Austro-Hungarian Empire. His mother,
Amalia, to whom he had a strong
oedipal attachment, was 20 years
younger than his father, Jacob. The
family moved to Vienna, where he
spent his life. When Freud was four
years old, his father died in
October 1896, and it profoundly
affected Freud, which he expressed
in a letter to his close friend, Dr.
The Freud family was Jewish, but
Freud himself ignored Jewish feasts,
and instead celebrated Christmas and
New Year because "it was easier."
This would seem a highly unusual
behavior pattern from such a
nonconformist, but as stated above,
Freud was actually a paradox who
said some things and practiced
others. For one thing, he constantly
maintained that he was a scientist
of the first quarter, seeking only
truth first, last, and always. He
continued to believe until his
death, Lamarch's theory that
acquired traits could be inherited,
which no true scientist of that age
believed any more than they still
believed the world was flat. Freud
also dabbled in occultism and
telepathy, and openly stated his
belief in it, although he never
published such works. Freud was a
great believer in the magic of
numbers, and his close friend,
William Fliess, who was mentioned
previously, has stated that Freud
believed that important things
happen to men in cycles of 23 to 28
days. He predicted his own death at
age 61 or 62, and seemed quite
dismayed after passing this age, and
thereupon raised his prediction to
85 1/2, the age at which his father
and half-brother both died. Freud's
eldest son, Jean Martin Freud, who
was named after Charcot, whom
Sigmund admired so much, published a
relatively new book of Freud's home
life as a father and a man. Freud
first met his wife in April of 1882,
and fell in love at first sight,
although they were not married until
after his one month of service on
maneuvers with the Austrian Army in
1886, when he was promoted from
First Lieutenant to Captain.
Freud practiced as a specialist in
nervous diseases, and was a junior
lecturer at the University of Vienna
when Jean Martin was born. He lived
at Suenhaus, facing Ringstrasze, but
wrote many of his best books in
naturalistic settings.
Interpretation of Dreams, probably
one of Freud's most famous books,
was written at a Villa in
Berchtesgaden, a beautiful resort
high in the Bavarian mountains,
later to become infamous as the
well-guarded retreat of Adolph
Freud was always immaculately and
carefully dressed, even during the
last 17 years of his life in which
he painfully suffered one operation
after another for the incurable
cancers that beset him. Even after
much of his mouth and palate and jaw
structure had been dissected away,
and he was forced to wear a
monstrous prosthesis in order to
close the opening between the nasal
cavity and the throat so that he
could talk, he maintained his sense
of humor. Weak and unable to speak
except in his native German
(although previously he spoke both
French and English well), he once
said to French singer Yvette
Guilbert, "Meine Prosthese Spricht
Keine Franzosisch" (my prosthesis
does not speak French).
Freud had a total of 33 operations
in all, including a sterilization
operation which he hoped would in
some way change the hormonal setup
of his body and prevent the cancer
from spreading. He flew to England
to escape Hitler in 1938, and at 82
years old, while in London, he
recovered sufficiently to do four
analysis treatments daily. Freud
hated drugs and only took aspirin
occasionally. In February of 1939
his cancer finally caught up with
him, being determined inoperable and
completely incurable at that time,
and on September 21 of that year, he
asked his personal physician, Max
Schur, for a sedative.
"It is only torture now, and it has
no longer any sense," Freud said,
and days later, at the age of 83, he
was dead. His daughter Anna,
remained at his side during his long
protracted illness, and kept him
comfortable. "Most important," says
biographer Jones (who himself was
perhaps the number one English
speaking psychoanalyst of his time),
"is the increasing sense people have
of being moved by obscure forces
within themselves, which they are
unable to define. Few thinking
people nowadays would claim a
complete knowledge of themselves or
what they are consciously aware of
comprises the whole of their
mentality, and this recognition with
all its formidable consequences for
the future of social organizations
we owe above all to Freud. Man's
chief enemy and danger is his own
unruly nature, and the dark forces
pent up within him. If our race is
lucky enough to survive for another
thousand years, the name of Sigmund
Freud will be remembered as that of
the man who first ascertained the
origin and nature of those forces
and pointed the way to achieving
some measure of control over them."
Bramwell is best remembered for his
classic text, Hypnotism, It's
History, Practice and Theory, which
even to the present day remains one
of the finest books ever written on
hypnotism. In his book, he states
that his own first introduction to
the subject was indirectly due to
Dr. James Esdaile, for Esdaile left
India and lived for sometime in
Bramwell's native town of Perth.
Many of Esdaile's experiments were
seen afterwards reproduced by
Bramwell's father who was also a
physician. Bramwell witnessed many
of these experiments as a boy, and
they deeply impressed him. He was an
avid reader and student at Edinburgh
when Professor John Hughes Bennett
again drew his attention to
After leaving Edinburgh, Bramwell
became engaged in general practice,
and hypnosis was almost forgotten
until he learned that it had been
revived in the wards of the
Salpetriere. On March 28, 1890, he
gave a demonstration of hypnotic
anesthesia to a larger gathering at
Leeds. This was reported in the
British Medical Journal and the
Lancet, and referrals of patients
became so great that he abandoned
general practice and limited himself
to the practice of hypnotism.
Bramwell was somehow able to avoid
most of the great opposition and
misrepresentation that had been
heaped on earlier physicians
connected with the science. Bramwell
was probably most famous for his
work in clinical hypnosis in
medicine and surgery. However, he
also wrote on hypnotic theories,
hypnosis in animals, the management
of hypnotic experiments,
experimental phenomena of hypnosis,
and even on such occult subjects as
spiritualism, clairvoyance, and
Moll, an English contemporary, is
equally famous for his book on
hypnosis. Moll's book, copyrighted a
few years before Bramwell's, was
arranged a bit differently and is
noteworthy for its dissertation on
the legal aspects of hypnosis which
Bramwell did not cover, but which is
liberally quoted in an earlier book
of mine, Legal Aspects of Hypnosis,
the first complete volume on the
subject ever written. Moll
demonstrated how everyday
suggestions differ from hypnosis,
and also gave the first reference to
waking hypnosis. He anticipated
Erickson's studies of the
post-hypnotic state, and also
investigated the relationship
between hypnotist and the subject.
His book has long been considered
one of the best possible
introductions to the study of
hypnosis and was one of the first
pieces of literature to objectively
separate hypnosis from the mystical
elements which surround it.
Physicians of the Era
The first reported use of hypnosis
utilized as an anesthetic occurred
on April 12, 1829, when Jules
Cleznet, a French surgeon,
performed a breast operation. The
first reported uses of hypnosis in
America were in 1843, one year after
Braid coined the term, in New York,
Ohio, Illinois and Missouri by
Doane, Dugas and others.
Crile's contribution to hypnotic
literature was that he recognized
that even though a patient was
"unconscious" during inhalation
anesthesia, that the greater part of
his brain was still awake, and nerve
impulses could still reach the brain
producing cerebral depression and
other undesirable manifestations.
Dupuytren, the famous French
surgeon who is best known for his
work on contractures, made the
statement that "pain kills like
hemorrhage," and indeed many
patients of that era of medicine
preferred death to extreme pain.
William Kroger, a well-known
obstetrician hypnotist, reported the
decline of the use of
hypnoanesthesia following the
development of chemoanesthesia.
Contemporary scientists in the field
A new era of hypnosis began with
World War I. The revival was
primarily due to a multiplicity of
paralytic and amnesia cases with
psychogenic origin, and the fact
that few psychiatrists were then
available. From Great Britain came
Hadfield, who originated the term
Hypnoanalysis, meaning the use of
age regression to uncover the
damaging experiences and then
reliving the experience under
hypnosis to produce mental
catharsis. The advent of hypnosis in
our time brought forth many new
experts including many stage
hypnotists. Lewis R. Wolberg M.D.,
an assistant clinical professor of
psychiatry at New York Medical
College, wrote perhaps the most
extensive treatise on medical
hypnosis in two volumes, which had
been published in the U.S.A. In 1955
the British Medical Association
officially endorsed the teaching of
hypnosis in all medical schools and
the organization of teaching groups
and societies began. WILLIAM J.
BRYAN JR. M.D., who became its first
president, founded the American
Institute of Hypnosis on May 4,
1955. It was founded for the reason
that until that time there had been
no educational body devoted
exclusively to promoting all the
phases of hypnosis in medicine and
dentistry, and the Institute was
founded to fill that gap. It has
grown since that time to become the
world's most respected educational
institution devoted solely to
teaching hypnosis in medicine and
dentistry to physicians and dentists
all over the world. Past Presidents
of the organization include the
experts of that time, including
Butters, Moss, Sloan, Bryan, Hedge,
Boswell, and McCall.
Easily the most famous contemporary
dental hypnotist is Dr. H. Joshua
Sloan D. D. S., a past president and
fellow of the American Institute of
Hypnosis. He was instrumental in
establishing the first university
course in hypnosis and taught it for
many years. Author of Introductory
Information for Dentists in
Hypnosis, and Goals in Dentistry, he
held many offices, including
President of the Academy of Applied
Psychology in Dentistry and
President of the American Institute
of Hypnosis. Best known for his
research in polishing of various
induction and deepening techniques,
and for his extensive work in the
field of General Semantics, he
practices on Madison Avenue in New
York City.
Aaron A. Moss, the third president
of the American Institute of
Hypnosis, is most famous for his
classical work Hypnosis in
Dentistry, the most complete book on
the subject published to date
[January 1963]. He was instrumental
in filming the first movie on the
use of Hypnosis in Dentistry.
Dr. Garland Fross of South Bend,
Indiana, Dr. Tom Wall of Seattle,
Washington, Dr. Jack Bart of
Riverside and Beverly Hills,
California, and Dr. Martin Cousins
of Los Angeles, California have all
distinguished themselves in the
field of Hypnodontics. All of these
men have participated in various
courses given by the Institute in
the capacity of Faculty members and
all are Fellows of the Society.
Dr. Fross, a legend in his own
community and a full Commander in
the Navy Dental Corps has done much
toward educating Naval Dental
Officers and thousands of civilian
dentists regarding the ethical and
proper place of Hypnosis in
Dentistry. He has written numerous
articles and scientific papers on
the subject and has, with the
approval of his county dental
society, taken to the airways on
occasion to inform the public on the
subject on the dental society's
public service radio program. Dr.
Wall has repeatedly lectured on
Hypnodontics at various Universities
and medical and dental gatherings as
well as having written a pamphlet
explaining Dental Hypnosis to
Dr. Jack Bart has lectured at as far
distant points as Paris, France and
Honolulu, Hawaii on the subject of
Dental Hypnosis and has been
practicing it during his entire
dental career. Dr. Cousins is not
only a member of the Faculty of the
American Institute of Hypnosis, but
regularly conducts classes in
Hypnodontics for the Beverly Hills
Hypnodontic Society and has taught
both physicians and dentists the
proper techniques with regard to
hypnoanesthesia. He is a
world-renowned authority on this
subject especially as it applies to
Sydney Van Pelt
A history of hypnosis would not be
complete without mentioning the
foremost expert in the field of
medical hypnosis of our time. Dr. S.
J. Van Pelt, an Australian physician
who established practice in London,
England over 15 years ago, was the
world's first modern full-time
medical hypnotist. Limiting his
practice to the use of hypnosis in
medicine, Dr. Van Pelt built up an
enviable reputation at a time when
the rest of the world was very
suspicious of the new modality. He
became the first and lifetime
president of the British Society of
Medical Hypnotism, and the Editor of
the British Journal of Medical
Hypnotism, the oldest and most
respected journal in the field still
in publication. The British Journal
of Medical Hypnotism under his
guidance from its inception has
lived even longer that Elliotson's
Zoist and is now the world's
undisputed leader in its field. By
means of the British Journal and the
Journal of the A.I.H., for which he
has written a number of articles,
the best of the scientific
literature on the subject of
hypnotism is disseminated throughout
the English-speaking medical
profession of the world. Dr. Van
Pelt participated as lecturer in the
first international course in
medical hypnotism ever given in
November 1959 aboard the M.S.
Kungshohm on a Caribbean Cruise, and
except for myself, is still today
the only other living full-time
medical specialist in hypnosis. He
has written more books on hypnosis
than any other four authors combined
if I am not utilized in the
combination, and has so many
articles on the subject published
that they are too numerous to count.
If there is any one man of our time
who will ascend to greatness via
medical hypnosis, it is certainly
Dr. S. J. Van Pelt, the foremost
authority on the subject in the
Dave Elman was born May 6, 1900 in
Park River, North Dakota and died on
December 5, 1967. His interest in
hypnosis was stimulated at an early
age by his father who was an
accomplished hypnotist. When Dave
was 8 years old he began to realize
the vast possibilities of hypnosis
in the relief of pain. This occurred
when his father was dying of cancer
and a family friend relieved the
intractable pain quite rapidly with
hypnosis. This friend was a
well-known hypnotist with an
enviable fame for performing
outstanding feats. Young Dave never
forgot how his Dad was afforded
relief not available from
traditional medical procedures.
During the years 1923-1928, Dave
worked for free on various radio
networks in the evenings and on
holidays and weekends. In 1928, he
got his first paying job with radio
station WHN. Soon after, he was
hired by Columbia Broadcasting
System and worked on every major
radio station in the metropolitan
New York area, where he became known
as an idea man. He wrote, produced,
directed and performed in his own
shows as well as others.
Many show people do charitable work
and Dave was no exception. He would
often get a group of his friends
together to put on a show for some
worthy cause. In 1948, he arranged
such a benefit and a few days before
the show date was informed that the
group would not be back in town in
time for the performance. Elman was
on the spot; it would be impossible
to get another group together on
such short notice. What could he do?
How could he entertain an audience
for a couple of hours? He hit on the
idea of a hypnosis show, something
he hadn't done in years. The
performance was a success and
afterward he was approached by a
group of doctors who asked him to
teach them what he knew about
hypnosis. Apparently, though they
had taken courses, they had all
tried it but failed. Dave agreed to
teach them and gave a course to a
group of twenty physicians. When
that course was over, the doctors
had another group of twenty waiting
for another course, and so it grew.
Dave was then faced with a difficult
derision; he loved his work in
radio, but he wanted to teach
hypnosis. It had to be one or the
other. The rest is history. He gave
up radio for hypnosis and decided to
teach only physicians and dentists
in the New York-New Jersey area.
Before long, however, he was getting
calls from doctors all over the
country asking him to come to their
town and in many instances they
agreed to get groups together. That
opened the door to his career in
teaching hypnosis all across the
At the students' request, Dave put
his course on tapes and records and
followed up with his now famous book
"Findings in Hypnosis." (Upon his
death, Pauline continued to handle
the book for a while, then turned it
over to Nash Publishers who changed
the name to "Explorations in
Hypnosis." It is now titled
"Hypnotherapy" and is published by
Westwood Publishers, Los Angeles.)
The doctors continued to refer to
this material long after finishing
the course and they still do.
Telephone calls from doctors
everywhere seeking advice on
hypnosis soon became an everyday
occurrence. Many of his students had
taken courses from their colleagues
but they had not learned enough. As
with today, there were doctors in
those days who felt that hypnosis
should be their own exclusive domain
insisting that no "layman" could, or
should teach doctors anything- Dave
Elman felt the sting of those
ill-advised people. Nevertheless,
Dave continued to teach and
continued to gain respect and
Excerpts from article titled "Dave
Elman- The Man Behind the Legend" by
Martin M. Segal
Milton Erickson
Milton Erickson, M.D., is generally
acknowledged to be the world's
leading practitioner of medical
hypnosis. His writings on hypnosis
are the authoritative word on
techniques of inducing trance,
experimental work exploring the
possibilities and limits of the
hypnotic experience, and
investigations of the nature of the
relationship between hypnotist and
Perhaps less well known is the fact
that Dr. Erickson has a unique
approach to psychotherapy which
represents a major innovation in
therapeutic technique, For many
years he has been developing
effective and practical methods of
treatment which may or may not
involve the formal induction of
trance. Those who think of him
largely as a hypnotherapist might be
surprised that he lists himself in
the telephone directory as
psychiatrist and family counselor.
indepth covarage of Milton Erickson

Ernest VanDenBossche BCH,CI
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