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Bonnie Lee's Physic Mediumship Readings


Host Responsibility for Circles and Parties


We have put this information together so a host will understand just what is involved.


1.    Host shall invite guests, collect funds and be responsible for the minimum payment (if less people show up, the minimum is still due).


2.    It is advised that the host collect the fees when guests accept the invitation, as the host is responsible for payment of the minimum.


3.    We spend time to explain our mediumship and how our readings work before we begin, therefore it is advisable that all guests are on time for the introduction.


4.    Circles have 10-15 minutes readings. Each guest pays $35. Minimum circle fee is $420 (12 people). Sometimes Bonnie and Ernie take turns reading the people in the circle. Circles larger than 13 people may be divided into two circles with Bonnie Lee reading one and Ernie reading the other. Thirty people maximum. If less than 12 people, the minimum fee applies.


5.    Private personal readings are done in private and last 30 minutes each. Each guest pays $70. Minimum fee is $420 ( 6 people). When more than six guests, Bonnie Lee and Ernie may split the readings if that is OK with host. Twenty people maximum (or ten for each reader.) If less than 6 people, the minimum fee applies.

     6. Cancellation of events should be made two weeks in advance as we have many waiting for dates.  


To Print Host Responsibility Sheet

    We also pass out a number of papers to the participants about our mediumship. Among them is "Hints for a Good Reading" which is nice to have before the day of the readings, so here we give the Host the opportunity to print them out and give copies to their group ahead of time.

To Print "Hints For a Good Reading"


Thank you and we look forward to your event,  

Bonnie Lee Gibson and Ernie VanDenBossche





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