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Official Consumer
Guide to Hypnotism
This is an informative book about the many
different facets of hypnosis. It is great for
informing newspaper editors, radio and TV talk
show hosts, librarians, health professionals,
politicians and your own clients. One
Hundred-Sixteen pages of easy to read and easy
to understand information for the public. It
also makes for a great reference book when you
want to quickly learn about such topics as:
- What is hypnosis?
- What is age regression?
- What is Parts Therapy?
- What is self-hypnosis?
- Does hypnosis for weight
control really work?
- How is hypnosis used in
medical and dental situations?
- What is HypnoBirthing?
- Can hypnosis help manage
- What is the inside story on
hypnosis for entertainment?
- What about past life
- Is guided imagery hypnosis?
- What about this thing called
NLP and is it hypnosis?
- Is hypnosis spiritual?
Learn about these topics and more when
you read this very informative book. Keep it
as a desk reference.