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 Postcards From The Other Side

Biographies of
Mediums and Spiritualists

   Dedicated to the many notable scientists, scholars, and mediums who have worked so diligently to increase our knowledge of the nature of the afterlife.

Over the last centuries many gifted and courageous scientists and psychics have labored to help us understand parapsychology as it relates to spirit communication. Information transmitted from the other side tells us that the consequences of the afterlife are enormous. Those who staked their reputation for these discoveries and truths deserve an important place in history so that what they discovered will not be ignored with the passage of time.

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Emmanuel SwedenborgOne of the leading scientists of his day, He wrote 150 works in seventeen sciences. At the University of Uppsala he studied Greek, Latin and several other European languages. Swedenborg was a very highly gifted clairvoyant who spent more than twenty years investigating the afterlife. He recorded that he was able to make contact with intelligences from the afterlife, writing several books about the afterlife including Heaven and Hell and Arcana Coelestia.



ROBERT DALE OWEN (1801-1877)
Robert Dale OwenOne of the most versatile figures in his era. As editor, educator, and labor leader, as senator, diplomat, and man of letters, as legislator, feminist, and champion of a new religious faith, as advocate at one time or another of all sorts of reforms ranging from birth control to Negro emancipation, and as author of all sorts of books from theological discussions to treatises on architecture and plank roads. Owen wrote two of the most influential books of the early spiritualist period, Footfalls on the boundary of another world (1860) and The debatable land between this world and the next (1871).




ALLAN KARDEC (1804-1869)
Allan KardecHe was of an old family honorably distinguished in the magistracy and at the bar. Endowed by nature with a passion for teaching, he devoted himself to the work of giving gratuitous lectures on Chemistry, Physics, Comparative Anatomy, and Astronomy for over ten years. He took an active part in the labors of the Society of Magnetism, giving much time to the practical investigation of somnambulism, trance, clairvoyance, and the various other phenomena connected with the mesmeric action. He drew up a series of progressive questions in relation to the various problems of human life and the universe in which we find ourselves, and submitted them to his unseen communicators, receiving their answers to the same through the instrumentality of the two young mediums. His conversations with the invisible intelligences completely revolutionized his ideas and convictions. He published them as
Le Livre des Esprits (The Spirits' Book), called by many today "the Bible of Spiritualism"


Alfred Russel WallaceBritish naturalist, codiscoverer with Charles Darwin of the principles of biological evolution. Wallace was a philosophical skeptic, a materialist. His experience of Spiritualist phenomena overcame his skepticism. In the preface to his book
On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism (1874) Wallace writes: "They compelled me to accept them, as facts, long before I could accept the spiritual explanation of them: there was at that time 'no place in my fabric of thought into which it could be fitted.'" Wallace was led to believe 1) in the existence of numerous preternatural intelligences of various grades and 2) that some of these intelligences, although usually invisible and intangible to us, can and do act on matter, and do influence our minds.



Andrew Jackson DavisMedium, channel, and one of the founders of modern Spiritualism. Young Davis had gifts of clairvoyance and heard voices at an early age. In 1844 Davis had a strange experience that was to have an enduring effect on his life. In a state of semitrance he wandered away from home and awoke the next morning 40 miles away in the mountains. There he claimed to have met two venerable men--whom he later identified as the ancient physician Galen and the Swedish seer Emanuel Swedenborg--and experienced a state of mental illumination. While in an altered state in November 1845 Davis began to dictate his great work,
The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind. The dictation lasted for 15 months.



Dr CHARLES RICHET (1833-1886)
Dr Charles1850-1935 Very distinguished French physiologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in 1913 for his discovery of anaphylaxis. Professor of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, member of the medicine and Academy of Science and Honorary president of the Paris-based Institut Metapsychique International in 1919. Richet's insatiable curiosity also led him to explore other fields outside medicine, and with as much of passion. Indeed, he was at the same time a novelist, poet, playwright, sociologist and even pioneer of aviation!
He extensively investigated a wide range of phenomena such as telepathy, hypnosis, psychokinesis and ectoplasm (a term first coined by Richet), which he whole-heartedly accepted as real but could only interpret them in a materialistic manner. Founded the Annales des Sciences Psychiques in 1890 (the first issue appeared in 1891), whose title subsequently changed to Revue Metapsychique in 1920. He worked with colleagues of different nationalities including Dr. Gustave Geley, Sir Oliver Lodge and Prof. Baron von Schrenck-Notzing and with various mediums, including Mrs. Piper, Eusapia Palladino and Marthe Beraud. He summed up his general conclusions in
Thirty Years of Psychical Research, which was translated to English in 1923 by Stanley de Brath.



William Stainton Moses
Medium and religious teacher who became one of the most prominent late nineteenth-century British Spiritualists. In 1872, five months after his introduction to Spiritualism, he reported his first experience of levitation. Psychic lights of greatly varying shapes and intensity were frequently observed. They were most striking when the medium was in trance. They were not always equally seen by all the sitters, never lit up their surroundings, and could pass through solid objects, for instance, rising from the floor through a table. Scents were produced in abundance, the most common being musk, verbena, new mown hay. Without any musical instruments in the room, a great variety of musical sounds contributed to the entertainment of the sitters. There were many instances of direct writing, demonstrations of matter passing through matter and direct voice, and materializations, which, however, did not progress beyond luminous hands or columns of light vaguely suggesting human forms. Moses' famous automatic scripts are known from his books Spirit Teachings (1883) and Spirit Identity (1879).



FREDERICK W.H. MYERS (1843-1901)
Frederick W.H. MyersThe originator of the 'cross-correspondences' (a series of messages from the other side to different mediums in different parts of the world that on their own would mean nothing but which when put together would make sense) - 'the most persuasive evidence for the existence for the afterlife' according to Colin Wilson, psychic writer. He was a Cambridge Classic scholar and writer at the turn of the Twentieth Century. He was also one of the pioneers who founded the British Society for Psychical Research and was heavily involved in investigation of the afterlife and wrote
Human Personality and the Survival of Bodily Death1903). Several mediums are said to have transcribed material from him after he passed on including Juliet Goodenow, Helen Dallas, and Geraldine Cummins.



SIR OLIVER LODGE (1851-1940)
Sir Oliver LodgePioneer of radio, physicist, professor, one of the greatest scientists of his time. He described contact with his deceased son in
Raymond; or, Life and Death (1916) - something which gave him the great authority when writing about the afterlife. He was also one of the first to write about the sub-atomic particle for the hereafter. Lodge's scientific work in physics includes investigations of lightening, the voltaic cell and electrolysis and electromagnetic waves. He also studied the nature of ether, a medium permeating all space and of the ether drift, the supposed relative motion between the ether and any body with in it.



James Hervey HyslopProfessor of logic and ethics and prominent psychical researcher. He was educated at the University of Leipzig (1882-84), and Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D., 1877). He was one of the first American psychologists to connect psychology with psychic phenomena. He joined the philosophy department at Columbia University as a professor in ethics and logic, during which time he became deeply involved with psychical research. As early as 1888, in a skeptical frame of mind, he was brought for the first time into contact with the supernormal through the mediumship of Leonora Piper. Messages from his father and relatives poured through. Out of 205 incidents mentioned as of his sixteenth sitting, he was able to verify 152. He publicly declared, "I have been talking with my father, my brother, my uncles. Whatever supernormal powers we may be pleased to attibute to Mrs. Piper's secondary personalities, it would be difficult to make me believe that these secondary personalities could have thus completely reconstituted the mental personality of my dead relatives." He wrote extensively including and
Life After Death: Problems of the Future Life and Its Nature (1918) and Contact with the Other World (1919).



William Eglinton"Mr. Eglinton lay on a garden bench in plain sight. We saw the bodies of four visitors form themselves from a cloud of white vapour and then walk about, robed all in purest white, upon the lawn where no deception was possible. One of them walked quite around us, as we sat in our chairs on the grass, talking as familiarly as any friend . . . [and] took my hat from my head, put it on his own, and walked off with it where the medium was lying; then he came and put it on my head again; then walked across the lawn and up a gravel walk to the foot of the balcony and talked with Mrs. Nichols. After a brief conversation he returned to the medium and gradually faded from sight.''



Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWriter, psychic researcher. He was able to make contact with entities from the afterlife. Many people know him for his great writing skills such as his creation of Sherlock Holmes - but Sir Arthur's greatest gift was when he conducted research into the afterlife. He wrote a magnificent
History of Spiritualism book 1 and book 2; also he wrote The Wandering of a Spiritualist - but his best books ever were dictated to medium Grace Cooke from the other side, Arthur Conan Doyle's Book of the Beyond and The Return of Arthur Conan Doyle.


LEONORE PIPER (1859-1950)
Leonore PiperPerhaps the greatest American medium ever. One of the most spectacular and outstanding mental mediums who ever lived. No one, not even the most hardened closed minded skeptic after investigating her mediumship ever suggested fraud. She was able to convert the greatest materialist, closed minded skeptic this world has ever seen - Richard Hodgson. Because of her brilliant accurate information, Hodgson, who was contracted to by the British Society for Psychical Research engaged private detectives to follow her, to report on whom she met outside her home, to intercept her mail, to invite negative 'dummy' sitters unknown to anyone to her sittings - and to do everything possible to prove that this highly gifted brilliant American was not genuine. All failed and she remains today the greatest American mental medium who triumphed over great challenges.



BETTY WHITE (1880?-1939)
Elizabeth 'Betty' White
Wife of Stewart Edward White. In 1922 Betty discovered, while using a ouija board, that she was able to communicate with entities which would later be dubbed "the invisibles". They invited a small circle of friends including "Darby and Joan" to participate in sessions during which her channeling abilities matured. Stewart's first book openly acknowleging Betty's contacts was The Betty Book (1937), a compilation of the messages his wife received followed shortly thereafter by Across the Unknown. These first books resulted in thousands of letters from the readers. The White's were very private people who had kept Betty's abilities under wraps for over a decade.



Stewart Edward White
Author who published a number of books of "channeled'' material. He studied at the University of Michigan (Ph.D., 1895; M.A., 1903). In 1904 he married Elizabeth (Betty) Grant, and they settled in California where he became well known as an author of many books, articles, and short stories dealing with his experiences around the state in mining and lumber camps, and on exploration trips. He wrote The Betty Book (1939), Gaelic Manuscripts, The Road I Know (1942), The Stars Are Still There (1946), The Unobstructed Universe. (1940) (his most popular metaphysical work) and With Folded Wings (1947).


ARTHUR FORD (1896-1971)
American Spiritualist medium and founder of the International General Assembly of Spiritualists. Ford realized his psychic abilities during World War I. While in the army he would "hear'' the names of people he served with, and those names would appear on the casualty lists several days later. In the years after the war he investigated psychic phenomena and eventually joined the Spiritualists. Around 1921 Ford emerged as a trance medium, and "Fletcher,'' his control for the rest of his life, made his first appearance in trance sessions. He developed a popular following and in 1927 traveled to Great Britain. One of his lectures was attended by veteran Spiritualist Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who enthusiastically told people the next day, "One of the most amazing things I have ever seen in 41 years of psychic experience was the demonstration of Arthur Ford.''


Famous Brazilian Spiritist medium. (Spiritism, the Brazilian form of Spiritualism, stems from the teachings of French Spiritist Allan Kardec.) Known throughout Brazil as "Chico Xavier'' (pronounced Sheeko Shaveer), he was born April 2, 1910, in the town of Pedro Leopoldo in the central state of Minas Gerais. He was one of a family of nine children. His mother died when he was only five, but Chico saw her materialize after her death, and during his period at primary school three years later, be became accustomed to hearing voices and sensing spirit presences.


Spiritualist Pioneers Biographical Sketches,
from the First Spiritual Temple, Brookline, Massachusetts
Proponents and Researchers:
Pioneer Mediums:

Emma Hardinge Britten was a leading figure in the development of 19th century Spiritualism, with her writing, mediumship,and lectures in the United States, Europe, Australia, and elsewhere in the world. Emma Hardinge was born in 1823 in London, England. As a child, Emma could predict coming events and often saw the spirits of dead relatives and family friends. Her mediumship developed and she became a leading figure in the Spiritualist movement by the early 1850s. Emma traveled throughout America and to many parts of the world giving lectures and inspired addresses on the subject of Modern Spiritualism. By public speaking and prolific writings she encouraged the formation of many Spiritualist groups, societies and churches throughout the world. She was one of the six founding members of the Theosophy Society. The concepts and original wording of the Seven Principles of Spiritualism came from Emma's mediumship.




Psychics Hall of Fame - from VictorZammit.com

The Roots of the New Age - from www.xs4all.nl
Leslie Flint Biography - LeslieFlint.com, includes audio clips
Laura Hall Peters Biography, by Barbara Cloud

Henry S. Olcott Biography, by Sarah Belle Doughterty

William Q. Judge Biography, by Kirby Van Meter

James M. Peebles Biography, by Linda Pendleton

Jesse Shepard Biography, by Clare Crane
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Egbert Cleaveís Biographical Cyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons, by Sylvain Cazalet


Biographies of Mediums

Historically Famous Mediums
Armour, Mary. "Helen Duncan (1895-1956) : my living has not been in vain : the true story of Helen's life and work." London: 2000.
Bailey, Alice A. "The Unfinished Autobiography." New York: 1951, 304pp.
Balyoz, Harold. "Three Remarkable Women.[teachings of Bailey, Blavatsky, Roerich]" Flagstaff, AZ: 1986, 285pp.
Barbanell, Maurice. "The case of Helen Duncan," London:1945,153pp.
Barbanell, Maurice.  "I Hear A Voice: A Biography of E. G. Fricker the Healer." London: 1962.

Maurice Barbanell

Barbanell, Sylvia. "Some Discern Spirits: The Mediumship of Estelle Roberts." London: 1944.



Barrett, Harrison Delivan. "Life work of Mrs. Cora [Hatch] L.V. Richmond." Chicago, 1895, 759pp.



Barrett, Joseph O. "The spiritualist pilgrim: A biography of James M. Peebles." Boston: 1871.



Barrett, W. F. "On the Threshold of a New World of Thought." London: 1909. (Eusapia Palladino)



Bartlett, George C. "The Salem Seer: reminiscences of Charles H. Foster." New York: 1891, 157pp.



Bazett, L. Margery. "Beyond the Five Senses." London: 1946.

Beyond the Five Senses


Bentley, Edmund. "Far Horizon: A Biography of Hester Dowden, Medium and Psychic Investigator." London: 1951.
Besterman, Theodore. "Some modern mediums [Mrs. Piper, Frau Maria Silbert, Eva C., Mme. Kahl-Toukholka, Margery.]." London: 1930, 180pp.
Blavatsky, Madame Helena (list)
Bird, J. Malcolm. "'Margery' the Medium." Boston: 1925.
Brealey, Gena. "The two worlds of Helen Duncan." London: 1985, 194pp.
Brittain, Annie. "Twixt Earth and Heaven." London: 1936.
Britten, Emma Hardinge. "Autobiography of Emma Hardinge Britten." London: 1900, 275pp.
Caldwell , Daniel H. "The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky." Wheaton IL: 1991, 360pp.
Carrington, Hereward. "Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena." New York: 1909, 353pp.
Chaney, Earlyne. "Remembering: The autobiography of a Mystic." Los Angeles: 1974, 372pp.
Chase, Warren. "Forty Years on the Spiritual Rostrum." Boston:, 1888.
Cook, Mrs. Cecil M. "The Voice Triumphant: The Revelations of a Medium[autobiography]." New York: 1931, 323pp.
Cooke, Grace. "The shining presence." London: c.1940 145pp.
Cooper, Robert. "Spiritual Experiences: Including Seven Months with the Brothers Davenport.", London: 1867, 219pp.
Cranston, Sylvia. "HPB: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky, Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement." New York: 1994, 648pp.
Crossley, Alan E. "The story of Helen Duncan, materialisation medium : a dramatic account of the tragedy and persecution of the greatest physical medium in psychic history." Greenford : 1975
Cummins, Geraldine. "Unseen adventures : an autobiography covering thirty-four years of work in psychical research." London: 1951.
Curtis, James. "Rustlings in the Golden City; being a record of spiritualistic experiences in Ballarat and Melbourne [with Henry Slade]." Ballarat: 1890, 300pp.
Cuthbert, Arthur. "The life and work of Thomas Lake Harris." Glasgow: 1908.
Dailey, Abram H. "Mollie Fancher, the Brooklyn enigma." Brooklyn: 1894, 262pp.
Davenport, Ira Erastus (Edited By P. B. Randolph). "The Davenport Brothers." U.S.A.: 1869.
Davis, Andrew Jackson. "The Magic Staff." New York: 1857, 552 pp.
Davis, Andrew Jackson. "Beyond the Valley; A Sequel to The Magic Staff: An Autobiography." New York: 1885
Edwards, Harry. "Thirty Years a Spiritual Healer." London: 1968.
Edwards, Harry. "The Mediumship of Arnold Clare." London: 1941.
Edwards, Harry. "The Mediumship of Jack Webber." New York: 1941, 119pp.
Esperance, E. d'. "Shadow Land; or, Light from the other side." London: 1897, 414pp.
Evian, Adalbert. "The mediumship of Maria Silbert." London: 1936, 212pp.
Farmer, John S, "'Twixt Two Worlds: a narrative of the life and work of William Eglinton." London: 1886, 196pp.
Feilding, Everard. "Sittings with Eusapia Palladino & Other Studies." New Hyde Park, New York: 1963.
Fodor, Nandor. "These Mysterious People." London: 1934.
Ford, Arthur, "Nothing So Strange: The Autobiography of Arthur Ford." New York: 1958.
Fornell, Earl Wesley.  "The Unhappy Medium; spiritualism and the life of Margaret Fox."  Austin: 1964.
Garrett, Eileen J. "My Life As a Search for the Meaning of Mediumship." New York: 1939.
Garrett, Eileen J. "Many Voices: The Autobiography of a Medium." New York: 1968.
Garrett, Eileen J. "Adventures in the Supernormal: A Personal Memoir." New York: 1949.
Gaskill, Malcolm . "Hellish Nell: Last of Britain's witches (Helen Duncan)." London: 2001, 416pp.
Gregory, Anita. "The strange case of Rudi Schneider." Metuchen, N.J.: 1985, 444pp.
Hack, Gwendolyn Kelley. "Modern Psychic Mysteries: Millesimo Castle." London: 1929.
Hill, J. Arthur. "Experiences with mediums [discusses Aaron Wilkinson]." London: 1934, 224pp.
Home, D.D. "Incidents in my Life." New York: 1863.
Home, D.D. "Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism." New York: 1877, 412pp.
Home, Mme. Dunglass. "D. D. Home: His Life and Mission." London, 1888, 428pp.
Hurst, Lulu. "Autobiography." Rome, GA, 1897, 267pp.
Jackson, Herbert G., Jr. "The Spirit Rappers: The Strange Story of Kate and Maggie Fox, Founders of the American Spiritualist Movement." Garden City, New York: 1972.
Jones, Amanda Theodocia. "A psychic autobiography." New York: 1910, 455pp.
Kerner, Justinus Andreas Christian. "Seeress of Prevorst being revelations concerning the inner-life of man and the inter-diffusion of a world of spirits in the one we inhabit translated from the German by Mrs. Crow." New York: 1845, 338pp.
Larsen, Caroline Dorothea Jensen. "My travels in the spriit world." Rutland, Vt: 1927, 108pp.
Leonard, Gladys Osborne. "My life in two worlds." London: 1931, 300pp.
Litchfield, Beals Ensign. "Autobiography of Beals E. Litchfield, or, Forty years intercourse with the denizens of the spirit world and inspirational poems." Ellicottville, NY: 1893, 486pp.
Marryat, Florence. "Clairvoyance of Bessie Williams." London: 1893.
Maynard, Nettie Colburn. "Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist? Or, Curious Revelations from the Life of a Trance Medium." Chicago: 1891, 264pp.
Moore, William Usborne. "The Voices (through Mrs. Etta Wriedt.)." London: 1913.
Morse, James Johnson. "Leaves From My Life." London: 1877.
Morse, James Johnson. "A spirit interviewed, The life and mediumship of J.J. Morse." London: 1902.
Neff, Mary K., Ed. "Personal Memoirs Of H. P. Blavatsky." Wheaton, IL: 1967
Nichols, T. L. "A Biography of the Brothers Davenport.", London: 1864, 360pp.
Nichols, T. L. "Supramundane Facts in the Life of Rev. J. B. Ferguson, LL.D." London: 1865, 264pp.
Norman, Ruth. "Biography of an archangel : the accomplishments of Uriel." El Cajon, Calif.: 1989.
Oliphant, Laurence. "Masollam: a problem of the period: a novel."[about Thomas Lake Harris] 3 vol., Edinburgh: 1886.
Phillips, C. Doreen. "The Autobiography of a Fortune Teller." New York: 1958.
Piper, Alta L. "The Life and Work of Mrs Piper." London: 1929. (by her daughter)
Pond, Mariam Buckner. "Time is Kind (Fox family)." New York: 1947.
Pond, Mariam Buckner. "The Unwilling Martyrs: The Story of the Fox Family." London: 1947.
Putnam, Allen. "Biography of Mrs. J. H. Conant : the world's medium of the nineteenth century." Boston: 1872, 322 pp.
Robbins, Anne Manning. "Past and Present with Mrs. Piper." New York: 1922.
Robbins, Anne Manning. "Both sides of the veil; a personal experience [Leonora Piper]." Boston: 1909, 258pp.
Roberts, Estelle. "Fifty years a medium." New York: 1969, 224pp.
Roberts, Ursula. "Living in two worlds : the autobiography of Ursula Roberts." London : 1984, 197pp.
Sage, M. "Mrs. Piper and the Society for psychical research." New York: 1904, 187pp.
Schneider, Herbert Wallace, and George Lawton. "A Prophet and a Pilgrim, being the Incredible History of Thomas Lake Harris and Laurence Oliphant; their sexual mysticisms and utopian communities. Amply documented to confound the skeptic."  New York: 1942.
Smith, A. Robert. "The Lost Memoirs of Edgar Cayce: Life as a Seer." Virginia Beach, VA: 1997.
Smith, Susy. "The mediumship of Mrs. Leonard." New Hyde Park, N.Y.: 1964, 235pp.
Spraggett, Allen, "Arthur Ford: The Man Who Talked with the Dead." New York: 1973.
Sprague, Achsa W. "The poet & other poems.[short bio in preface]" Boston: 1864.
Stead, Estelle. "My father; personal & spiritual reminiscences." New York: 1913, 351pp.
Stokes, Doris. "Doris Stokes compendium." London: 1980, 827 pp.
Tietze, T.R. "Margery.[Mina "Margery" Crandon (1888-1941)]" New York: 1973.
Trethewy, A. W. "The 'Controls' of Stainton Moses." London: 1923, 291pp.
Turvey, Vincent N. "The Beginnings of Seership." Manchester: 1911.
Twigg, Ena. "Ena Twigg: Medium." New York:1972.
Underhill, Anne Leah (Fox). "The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism.", New York: 1885.
Upton, Bernard. "The mediumship of Helen Hughes." London: 1946, 153pp.
Wachtmeister , Constance. "Reminiscences of HP Blavtsky and the Secret Doctrine." London: 1893, 162pp. 
Washington, Peter, "Madame Blavatsky's Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism..." New York; 1996.
Watts, Anna Mary. " The pioneers of the spiritual reformation. Life and works of Dr. Justinus Kerner; William Howitt and his work for spiritualism. Biographical sketches." London: 1883, 325pp.
Wehner, George B. "A curious life.[autobiography]" New York: 1929.
Whipple, Edward, "A biography of James M. Peebles." Battle Creek, MI: 1901.
Whyte, Frederick. "The Life of W.T. Stead." (2 Vols), London: 1925.
Wickland, Carl A. "Thirty Years among the Dead." London: 1924, 390pp.
Wilkinson, Garth. "Emanuel Swedenborg; a biographical sketch." London: 1886, 296pp.

Some more recent biographies
(by date)
Smith, Gordon. "Spirit messenger : the remarkable story of a seventh son of a seventh son." Carlsbad, CA. 2004.
Holland, John, "Born knowing : a medium's journey-- accepting and embracing my spiritual gifts." Carlsbad, CA : 2003.
Christie, James. "Out of this world: Stephen Holbrook." Colton: 2002, 216pp.
Kelford, Jean. "Oblivious but true." London: 2002.
Edward, John. "Crossing over : the stories behind the stories." New York: 2001, 261pp.
Hurst, Brian. "Heaven Can Help (autobiography)." Bloomington, IN: 2001 266pp.
Baron, Elizabeth. "Unfinished business : true accounts in a medium's life as an exorcist." Floral Park, NY: 2000, 168pp.
Shaughnessy, Thomas. "The reluctant medium : a story of the personal sacrifice and courage of, Ellen (Phyllis) Gospell." Gateshead: 2000.
O'Brien, Stephen. "Visions of another world : the autobiography of a medium." Swansea: 2000, 378pp.
Hope, Murry. "The Changeling : the autobiography of Murry Hope." London: 1999.
Van Praagh, James. "Talking to heaven : a medium's message of life after death.": New York : 1997.
Grant-Francis, Dyan. "The reluctant psychic." Victoria, B.C.: 1999.
Browne, Sylvia. "Adventures of a Psychic:The Fascinating Inspiring True-Life Story of One of America's Most Successful Clairvoyants" Carlsbad, CA: 1998.
Rogers, Rita. "From one world to another : understanding the life and work of Britain's most respected medium." London: 1998.
Northage, Ivy. "While I remember : the life story of Ivy Northage." London: 1998.
Connor, Tress. "Step into my world."1997.
Cole, Cecilia. "A whisper away : one woman's journey with children of the spirit world." London: 1997.
Watson, Rita K. "Autobiography of a modern day medium." London: 1997.
Foy, Robin. "In pursuit of physical mediumship : a psychic autobiography." London, England: 1996.
Shine, Betty. "My life as a medium." London: 1996, 306pp.
Altea, Rosemary. "The Eagle and the Rose: a remarkable true story." New York: 1995.
Pendleton, Don & Linda. "To Dance With Angels: An Amazing Journey to the Heart With the Phenomenal Thomas Jacobson and the Grand Spirit, 'Dr. Peebles'." New York: 1990.
Charlton, Hilda. "Hell-Bent for Heaven: The Autobiography of Hilda Charlton." Woodstock, NY:1990.
Caddy, Eileen. "Flight into Freedom." Boston: 1988, 227pp.
Knight, Judy Zebra. "A state of mind : my story : Ramtha, the adventure begins." New York: 1987, 445pp.
Montgomery, Ruth "Ruth Montgomery: Herald of the New Age." New York: 1986, 277pp.
Dowding, Muriel, "Psychic Life of Muriel the Lady Dowding." Wheaton, IL: 1982, 272pp.
Flint, Leslie. "Voices in the Dark: My Life as a Medium." New York: 1971, 221pp.
Weldon , Warren. "A Happy Medium: The Life of Caroline Randolph Chapman." New York: 1970, 174pp.

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